Sweet Operations - Mesmerised By Industrial Equipment And Supplies

Sweet Operations - Mesmerised By Industrial Equipment and Supplies

The Pros and Cons of using Concrete Pumps for your Residential Placement

Terry Reyes

Concrete pumps are commonly used at construction sites for commercial buildings. However, more people are warming up to the idea of using concrete pumps for their residential placement. If you are considering using concrete pumps for your residential placement, you need to make an informed decision. You need to weigh the advantages of using the concrete pumps against its disadvantages so that you are fully aware of what to expect. Below are some of the pros and cons of using concrete pumps.


  1. Using concrete pumps is a fast and convenient way of pouring concrete. Speed is everything for most people; nobody likes being slowed down unnecessarily. The operation of a concrete pump allows it to penetrate all the areas of your residential construction site. This is unlike other alternatives that would require you to keep moving the machines around to cover all the areas of your construction site. Moreover, since the pump mixes and pours the concrete, less time will be required compared to using means that required the concrete to be mixed elsewhere before it is transferred to another machine for pouring.
  2. The use of concrete pumps ensures that there are quality and accuracy. If you have ever observed cement being manually poured, you will realise that sometimes lumps form, or the concrete is poured where it is not required. You can avoid this problem when you use concrete pumps because professionals remotely control them, ensuring that the accuracy of pouring is high. Moreover, since the concrete pumps use less water when mixing the concrete, the quality of the concrete is very high. This ensures that the placement will not crack.
  3. Using concrete pumps ensures that few of your building materials will go to waste. The concrete will be poured where it is required, in the amount that it is required. This saves you a lot of construction materials compared to other alternative means where concrete may be poured down, or more than what is required.


  1. The common drawback of using the concrete pumps for your residential placements is the cost. When you contract the services of a commercial concrete pumping company, the overall price for the entire place will be more expensive than what it would cost you to use other alternatives such as using a concrete mixer. More often than not, your budget for constructing your home is much lower than that of a commercial building. For that reason, the main discouragement that you would face is having to add more money to your budget.


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Sweet Operations - Mesmerised By Industrial Equipment And Supplies

Welcome visitors. My name is Tim Hayes and this is my humble blog about industrial equipment and supplies. When I was a child, my dad worked as an engine driver in a sugar mill. I was mesmerised by all the machinery and tools needed to keep the mill functioning. My dad would patiently explain about the gauges and turbines and how they worked. I only ever heard him swear when they were waiting for parts and the machinery wouldn't operate properly! That was the start of my life-long preoccupation with what goes on behind the scenes in producing the goods we take for granted. If you are inquisitive about industrial equipment and supplies, I hope that these posts add some spark to your day. Thank you.
